Do you want to work on optimization techniques to facilitate a shift towards efficient, ecofriendly and sustainable public transport operations? We are looking for a highly motivated PhD Candidate with a strong quantitative background to reinforce the Research Team of the Railways and Transport Laboratory at the National Technical University of Athens.
To apply, please send your CV to Assistant Prof. Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis at indicating the code NTUA-PTO.
Key Takeaways
The Railways and Transport Lab is looking for research and development personnel for European and National Research Projects in Public Transport Optimization and Electrification. The Railways and Transport Laboratory has a research team of 12 members (8 PhD Candidates and 4 Senior Researchers) and is part of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering that has a research team of 33 PhD Candidates.
The postholder responsibilities will include:
- Developing Public Transport Optimization models for integrated transport networks
- Developing Optimization models for Public Transport Services operated by Electric Vehicles
- Liaising with Public Transport Service Providers and Tech Companies
- Developing Decision Support systems in Python or Matlab
- Producing high-quality research
- Guiding and supporting students pursuing their BSc and MSc degrees, including supervision and teaching responsibilities
Information and Application
As a PhD candidate, you will be enrolled at the School of Civil Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens. The work location is Athens, Greece.
Please submit your application before November 30, 2023, including:
- A detailed Curriculum Vitae, including an overview of all courses attended and grades obtained.
- Contact details of two referees.
You are welcome to contact Assistant Professor Dr Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis (email or Dr Amalia Nikolopoulou (email for any questions you might have.
The first round of selection interviews is scheduled for December 4-5, 2023 and interviews can be held through Microsoft Teams. A second round of in-person interviews may be scheduled if necessary.
Your Colleagues
At the Railways and Transport Laboratory, we aim to develop new technologies for the next generation of public transport, freight transport, railway and air transport systems with focus on efficiency and sustainability.
The Railways and Transport Laboratory at NTUA has published 2 international books, has awarded 18 PhD Titles, has participated in more than 134 European and National Research Projects, and has 2 members in the list of most cited researchers in the field of Logistics and Transportation.